
ReplicationController ensures that a specified number of Pod Replicas are running at any one given time.

API group Resource Kube Skeleton
core/v1 ReplicationController skel

Here's an example Kubernetes ReplicationController:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: nginx
  replicas: 3
    app: nginx
      name: nginx
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx
        - containerPort: 80

The following sections contain detailed information about each field in Short syntax, including how the field translates to and from Kubernetes syntax.

API Overview

Field Type K8s counterpart(s) Description
version string apiVersion The version of the resource object
cluster string metadata.clusterName The name of the cluster on which this ReplicationController is running
name string The name of the ReplicationController
namespace string metadata.namespace The K8s namespace this ReplicationController will be a member of
labels string metadata.labels Metadata about the ReplicationController, including identifying information
annotations string metadata.annotations Non-identifying information about the ReplicationController
replicas int32 replicas The number of replicas of the selected pod
min_ready int32 minReadySeconds Minimum number of seconds that your pod should be ready before it is considered available
selector map[string]string selector A set of key, value pairs (map) that is used to select a set of pods to manage using the replication controller. ReplicationController cannot use expressions like ReplicaSet, and that is the only differnce between them
pod_meta TemplateMetadata template Metadata of the pod that is selected by this replication controller. More details in Template Metadata
volumes Volume spec.volumes Denotes the volumes that are a part of the Pod. See Volume Overview
affinity []Affinity spec.affinity and spec.NodeSelector The Pod's scheduling rules, expressed as (anti-)affinities for nodes or other Pods. See Affinity Overview
node string spec.nodeName Request that the Pod be scheduled on a specific node.
containers Container spec.containers and status Containers that run as a part of the Pod. See Container Overview
init_containers Container spec.initContainers and status Containers that run as a part of the initialization process of the Pod. See Container Overview
dns_policy DNSPolicy spec.dnsPolicy The DNS Policy of the Pod. See DNS Policy Overview
host_aliases []string spec.aliases Set of additional records to be placed in /etc/hosts file inside the Pod. See Host Aliases Overview
host_mode []string spec.hostPID, spec.hostNetwork and spec.hostIPC The Pod's access to host resources. See Host Mode Conversion
hostname string spec.hostname and spec.subDomain The fully qualified domain name of the pod
registry_secrets []string spec.ImagePullSecrets A list of k8s secret resource names that contain credentials to required to access private registries.
restart_policy RestartPolicy spec.restartPolicy Behavior of a Pod when it dies. Can be "always", "on-failure" or "never"
scheduler_name string spec.schedulerName The value from spec.schedulerName is stored here
account string spec.serviceAccountName and automountService AccountToken The Pod's access to the K8s API. See Account Conversion
tolerations []Toleration spec.tolerations Set of host taints this Pod tolerates. See Toleration Conversion
termination_ grace_period int64 spec.termination GracePeriodSeconds Number of seconds to wait before forcefully killing the Pod.
active_deadline int64 spec. activeDeadlineSeconds Number of seconds the Pod is allowed to be active
priority Priority spec.priorityClassName and spec.priority Specifies the Pod's Priority. See Priority
condition []Pod Condition status.conditions The list of current and previous conditions of the Pod. See Pod Condition
node_ip string status.hostIP The IP address of the Pod's host
ip string status.podIP The IP address of the Pod
start_time time status.startTime When the Pod started running
msg string status.message A human readable message explaining Pod's current condition
phase string status.phase The current phase of the Pod
reason string status.reason Reason indicating the cause for the current state of the Pod
qos string status.qosClass The QOS class assigned to the Pod based on resource requirements
fs_gid int64 spec.securityContext. fsGroup Special supplemental group that applies to all the Containers in the Pod
gids []int64 spec.securityContext. supplementalGroups A list of groups applied to the first process in each of the Containers in the Pod


  • An example replication_controller with 1 replica selecting app:nginx
  - expose:
    - 80
    image: nginx:1.7.9
    name: nginx
  name: nginx-rc
  replicas: 1
    app: nginx
  version: v1
  • An example replication_controller with 3 replicas that selects on labels app=nginx
  - expose:
    - 80
    image: nginx:1.7.9
    name: nginx
    app: nginx
  name: nginx-rc
  replicas: 3
    app: nginx
  version: v1


Short Type Skeleton
ReplicationController skel

Here's a starter skeleton of a ReplicationController

  - cpu:
      min: 100m
    - GET_HOSTS_FROM=dns
    - 80
      min: 100Mi
    name: php-redis
    app: guestbook
    tier: frontend
  name: frontend
      app: guestbook
      tier: frontend
  replicas: 3
    tier: frontend
  version: v1