
PersistentVolumeClaim is a request for storage by a user

API group Resource Kube Skeleton
core/v1 PersistentVolumeClaim skel

Here's an example Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim:

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: myclaim
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 8Gi
  storageClassName: slow
      release: "stable"
      - {key: environment, operator: In, values: [dev]}

The following sections contain detailed information about each field in Short syntax, including how the field translates to and from Kubernetes syntax.

API Overview

Field Type K8s counterpart(s) Description
version string apiVersion The version of the resource object
cluster string metadata.clusterName The name of the cluster on which this PersistentVolumeClaim is running
name string The name of the PersistentVolumeClaim
namespace string metadata.namespace The K8s namespace this PersistentVolumeClaim will be a member of
labels string metadata.labels Metadata about the PersistentVolumeClaim, including identifying information
annotations string metadata.annotations Non-identifying information about the PersistentVolumeClaim
storage_class string spec.storageClassName The number of storageclass required by the claim
volume string spec.volumeName Binding reference to persistent volume claim holding this reference
access_modes []string spec.accessModes Desired access mode the volume should have. See Access Modes
storage string spec.resources.requests.limit Amount of storage the volume should have (eg. 4Gi)
selector map[string]string or string selector An expression (string) or a set of key, value pairs (map) that is used to select a set of pods to manage using the PersistentVolumeClaim controller. See Selector Overview

Access Modes

Access Mode Description
rw_once Can be mounted read/write mode to exactly 1 host
ro_many Can be mounted read only mode to many hosts
rw_many Can be mounted read/write mode to many hosts

Selector Overview

Selector can be a map value or a string value. If it is a string value, then it can be an expression of type

Valid Operators are

Operator Syntax Description
Eq = Key should be equal to value
Exists N/A Key should exist
NotExists N/A Key should not exist
In = Key should be one of the comma separated values
NotIn != Key should not be one of the comma separated values

Here are valid examples of all the expression operators

selector: key=value # key should be equal to value
selector: key # key should exist
selector: !key # key should not exist
selector: key=value1,value2 # key's value can be any of value1 or value2
selector: key!=value1,value2 # key's value cannot be any of value1 or value2
selector: key&key!=value # composite expression

Note that multiple expressions can be combined using the & symbol

If the selector is a map, then the values in the map are expected to match directly with the labels of a pod.

Template Metadata

Field Type K8s counterpart(s) Description
cluster string metadata.clusterName The name of the cluster on which this Pod is running
name string The name of the Pod
namespace string metadata.namespace The K8s namespace this Pod will be a member of
labels string metadata.labels Metadata that could be identifying information about the Pod
annotations string metadata.annotations Non identifying information about the Pod


  - rw_once
    app: wordpress
  name: mysql-pv-claim
  storage: 20Gi
  version: v1
  - rw_many
  name: nfs
  storage: 1Mi
  version: v1


Short Type Skeleton
PersistentVolumeClaim skel

Here's a starter skeleton of a Short PersistentVolumeClaim.

  - rw_once
  name: myclaim
  selector: release=stable&environment=dev
  storage: 8Gi
  storage_class: slow
  version: v1